Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Narnia Text to Text

Narnia and the Bible is the same thing but like they are in different locations. The Bible and Narnia are connected b/c like Aslan is symbolized as Jesus and the White Witch is the Devil. And on p.159 Aslan died on the Stone table and he explains how he comes back to life. You c that is just like when Jesus died on the cross.

In the book The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe Alsan is the lion who died on the stone table for Edmond b/c he betrayed his brother and sisters. When he betrayed his siblings he went to the Witches side that also symbolizes when people turn their backs on Christ and doing that can lead to siding with the devil. So Edmond sinned and sided with the Witch and for that the Witch went to Aslan's territory. And demanded for Edmund b/c Edmund's blood is considered hers. When this happened Alsan gave his life for Edmunds sins. And the White Witch killed him on the stone table. In Narnia when an innocent victim is willing to lay their life for someone else who did no treachery. The stone table will break and death itself will go backwards.

Ok so since I told u why Alsan died and it symbolized when Christ died for our sins. You see this is just like the Bible b/c Jesus came to earth and he died from our sins and we were all freed from our sins. Sooo Aslan and Jesus are the same characters.

And the Bible

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