Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Teenage Drug Use

WHAT is your problem using drugs for things that do not need heal. Well you can use drugs but some Teenagers over do on the drugs and get high off of it. Did you know that if you do not use drugs correctly or just use drugs just to use it. Doing that deterierates the liver. And also using drugs for wrong is Illegal hmmmm.... did you know that b/.c if you didn't well now you know so Obama is Suppose to like enforce and pay for this organization that is trying to help teenage drug use be put to an end. Now the "White house has asked Congree to increase spending next year by 3.5 percent on the spectrum of drug-control activities- from curbing drugged diving and expanding drug courts."

Wow  people are doing alot for people whom are addicted to drugs and lemme list some reason why not to do drugs:

1) It is very dum and inconsiderate
2. Why are you gonna spend so much money on a fix
3) When you are addicted you can not stop no matter how many times you say your gonna want to stop. You will have to want to stop and make and effort to stopping urself.
4. From what I know about Teenage Drug use from the top of my head and from hearing it all the time at school. Most of the time if your in school and your doing drugs you either get caught , or you got to jail, or you drop out of school, and when one of these things happen your life; will soon go down the drain.

Alright your fanilies are depending on you to not do stupid things like doing drugs.


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